Individual Counseling

Individual work can be helpful to work through old hurts, create new meaning, and rewrite a new story so you can engage in healthy relationships with both yourself and others. My goal is to create a safe place to move past issues that are leaving you stuck. I am honored to join you on this journey of self-discovery.

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Discover what's possible.

Individual therapy is a step in the right direction.

Life is Relationship…

… relationship to ourselves, to others, and the world around us. Lots of times it's our early wounds and distressing life events that prevent us from being close to others for fear of being hurt again. When we endure things like abuse, neglect, sexual assault, or other traumas our instinct is to protect ourselves from danger…real or imagined. To complicate things even more, we are often cut off from our emotions because feeling them can be so painful. These protective mechanisms and difficulty expressing emotion have been crucial in our survival, but unfortunately can leave us feeling isolated from our loved ones and burdened with depression and anxiety. There is a healthier and more rewarding way to live. My goal is to join you in this process of letting go, self-forgiveness and forging a brighter path ahead.

Rediscover Your Best Self

Your story is unique. Nobody can fully understand what you've been through; not even the best therapist out there. But telling your story is the path to owning your story instead of it owning you. When you find the courage to tell your story and all that goes along with it, whether it's all the painful grief and sadness or shame and guilt, your story begins to have less power over you. Yes, you begin to own your story.

Is this an easy path? No. Is it worth it. Yes! I know this not only because I see change happen in my office every day, but I know this personally. It's no coincidence that I connect so well with my clients. I've walked this difficult path and picked up a lot of those painful pieces, looked at them, felt them and put them back in their rightful part of me. Those pieces are what gives us depth, and compassion and empathy. Once we own those pieces, we can take a risk and share them with others, and somehow it's not so scary. We can let others in and let them truly see who we are without fear. And when we can do this, we begin to forge deep and meaningful relationships.

When those painful, shameful parts that we have buried so deeply are excavated and accepted, they end up adding a beautiful dimension to us. The world needs you to fully express the uniqueness of who you are! How can you express your magnificence if part of you is hidden and denied?

Ask yourself how the pain, shame or guilt of your life circumstances are controlling you and leave you living in a way that is passionless, anxious or hopeless. Has your story left you afraid to express the fullness of who you are? Do you feel worthy of success, acceptance and unconditional love? This is your birthright and once you begin loosening the grip of the negative beliefs and feelings that have been choking you for so long, new excitement for life and possibilities can begin to emerge.

I'm skilled at helping with:

  • Porn/Sex Addiction

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Perinatal Issues

Are you ready to ditch your depression and anxiety?
Let’s do it together.

Do you and your partner have a secure bond?